Building Inspiration + Purpose Driven Performance


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SESSION 6 | January 20, 2022

Team Leadership

Session-Specific Resources

Next Steps & Pre-Work for Session 6

  • Keep working on your PPPPs!
  • Look after / communicate to your SP360 stakeholders
  • Embed the values and tools you found useful in your day-to-day + monthly meetings
  • Feedback Survey - will be following shortly. We would really appreciate the feedback when we send it around.

SESSION 5 | January 11, 2022

Team Leadership

Session-Specific Resources

Next Steps & Pre-Work for Session 6

Pre-Work for Session 6 (for all)

  • MCT Priorities / ‘Rocks’ for your role and a draft of Potential goals ‘Defined Success by December 31st 2022’ (first two columns of 4 column table in the ppt template)
  • Work on any of the tools in Session 4/5 that are useful to your role (eg Skill-Will and Stakeholder influence)

For ‘volunteers’!

  • Peter T and Dan on Team Values v1.0
  • Jen and Aarnoud on Team ‘Rocks’ v1.0

SESSION 4 | December 9, 2021

Team Leadership

Session-Specific Resources

Next Steps & Pre-Work for January Session

  • Fine-tune Team Values (thoughts to David) – and each with your own Purpose-mapping sheet (See session 5 Pre-Work above)
  • Pick Skill Will or Stakeholder matrix and create a version 1.0 for discussion with David
  • Pick a meeting/moment to apply SBI Feedback, the ‘Thermostat’, or a tool of your choice
  • Chat with your buddy (and even better, also pick a ‘buddy’ or partner outside work to discuss?)

SESSION 3 | November 18, 2021

Leader Summit Workshop

Session-Specific Resources

Next Steps

  • Consolidate work to-date: Please send David what you want to share of your Purpose, Priorities, Potential, Performance sheets. You are accountable for completing this work and David will be reviewing it with you and sharing his. Take a photo of your Hero, Hardship, Highlight work to keep with you and think about the key messages delivered - no need to share.
  • Have a conversation with a ‘buddy’: As per our chat on zoom, we think it would be great for you to chat about the ‘PPPP' and the ‘HHH’ work done so far with one-another to feel accountable.
  • SP360: Continue to lean in to Shift Positive 360 interviews - time and effort really appreciated!
  • Inspiring Leadership & Performance Survey click here to take the questionnaire.

Additional Resources

SESSION 2 |November 5, 2021

Purpose-Driven Leadership Workshop

Session-Specific Resources

Next Steps

Additional Resources:

Many of you had put ‘learning’ in to your Rocks and/or seemed curious with regard to the background to the tools and materials. Please see the following suggested reading:

SESSION 1 |October 28, 2021



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